Another Look at Bishop (part 2)
>> Friday, December 3, 2010 –
I normally don't photograph trees, but I somehow found myself tree obsessed in Bishop. Perhaps this stems from the fact that I don't experience Autumn in San Francisco. I never purposefully set out to capture tree reflections... it was just something I stumbled across as I was trying to prevent my dog Butters (whose name is actually Buttermilks, named after the bouldering area in Bishop) from jumping into the water canal. As I was screaming at my dog to get out of the frigid water, I was fortunate enough to find that the afternoon light was casting beautiful reflections. I took a few shots and decided I liked the impressionist feel of the photos....which is totally NOT my style. I struggled in terms of post-processing and couldn't decide how I wanted to color and tone the images. Eventually I decided to hit a few Lightroom preset buttons and will perhaps revisit these photos at a later point in the future if I ever decide to do a series on tree reflections. Consider these rough drafts.
I know how you feel. I am obsessed with the leaves of fall and I blame it on the non existent Autumn we have in SF. Every time we drive by a cluster of trees somewhere else, I want to jump out and start shooting only to remember; camera is at home!