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Yosemite Fog

Although I’ve spent the past 12 years rockclimbing in Yosemite Valley, I’ve never bothered to photograph this picturesque place until a few days ago.  Ansel Adams, in a way, had ruined Yosemite for me.  I never felt compelled to capture a place that had already been so well documented by Adams and a gazillion other landscape photographers.  And truth be told, I never thought I could bring Yosemite any justice after seeing Adam’s classic work.

So what changed my mind about photographing Yosemite?  Boredom and the lack of desire to participate in a threesome.  No, silly, I’m not talking about a menage a trois.  I’m back to the topic of rockclimbing.  There’s a time and place for a threesome, but not when you are trad climbing.  Having three people in a traditional climbing party is slow and inefficient, and with the brief amount of daylight these days, I opted out, and allowed my husband and his friend to get more climbing in for themselves.  Yes, I know, I’m a very kind and thoughtful wife. 

So for the first time ever in Yosemite Valley, I got to spend the weekend hiking and exploring, rather than be strapped into a rope and harness.  The weather was surprisingly gorgeous; t-shirt weather in fact, if you happened to be in the sun.  The warm air, and snow-covered ground created an interesting fog layer, and I loved the way it hovered around the trees.  Naturally, this became my photo theme.  Who needs yet another photo of Half Dome and the Nose on El Capitan anyway? 

Anonymous –   – (December 17, 2010 at 11:23 PM)  

I love the mood and tone in these photos. Definitely a different perspective from the Ansel Adams we've seen over the years. You've hit your stride, Hanh!

- Victor

rachelle galloway  – (December 22, 2010 at 9:41 AM)  

these are stunning!! i can't pick a favorite because they're each so good. it's the rare photographer who can capture landscapes AND portraits with equal skill and talent - but you're the real deal!! :>

Sally Hammerman  – (January 25, 2011 at 9:34 AM)  

As I came on the first of this series, not knowing the source, I said "Wow - these are Ansel Adams ++" and then saw the location. Each of these photos has an emotional personality where the first view is "Oh My" the second is "and look at that" and the third is "give me more time to study these." Hence you/your photos are destined for classicality.

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