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Bringing Home Strangers

 As much as I complain about living in the Haight-Ashbury, I have to admit,  I like the fact that the neighborhood is filled with unique characters.  I'm at my usual coffee joint, chitchatting with the neighborhood locals about their theory that the tsunami is an indicator of a huge upcoming event which the book "The Maya: 2012 The End of the World or the Dawn of Enlightenment" foresees.  Anyway, a women comes into the store banging her bicycle loudly, talking to herself and complaining that she can't get her bike fixed because the "fucking hippies" in this neighborhood don't bother to open their store until 10:30 am.  She rants to herself in the background about how the Social Security administration stole $45,000 of her money, and she can't finish her art education at the Art Academy because the landlord in her apartment is pushing a broom under her door and using it to fish out and steal all her art supplies and money.  My neighbor rolls his eyes and says, "oh dear," but I am utterly intrigued with this woman and walk over to talk to her.

Ethel is fascinating, as is her life view of things.  You should hear the gossip she has about the wealthy Getty socialites!  According to Ethel, her art professor gets paid tons of money to get flown to Hawaii and Lake Tahoe where the Gettys have numerous homes, so that he can paint little gold leafings on their bathroom tiles.  Interesting.  Good thing I'm not a journalist, otherwise I'd have to find supporting evidence before I publish this story.

After continuing to complain about her late bills, she tries to sell me her bike for $40 (which she assures me she got from the Salvation Army), and I agree because she needs the money.  After assessing that she isn't a totally crazy person (just a little, but not too much), I take her home with me to photograph her.  Afterward, I hand her $40 for the bike, and she declares sincerely, "I'm not so sure I should take your money.  By the look of this place, you look like you could starve if I take your money."  Oh goodness, I can't believe she just trash talked my house!

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