Movement Play

I know, I'm guilty of ditching my blogging duties for quite some time now. I’m sure many photographers and bloggers reading this can understand how easy it is to slack off on social media updates, especially in an age where we get inundated with way too much information and need long breaks from the internet.
Well, I’m back. And feeling quite refreshed thanks to recent adventures that have replenished my creative soul.
One event stands out above all others, therefore I must gush about the Movement Play MicroFestival, founded by Rosie Lila. Ms. Rosie and her inexhaustible team of volunteers recently organized a 4-day festival in Willits, California allowing participants to nourish their body and spirit through dance and play. Hula hooping, acro-yoga, poi, massage, slacklining, dance and improv workshops are a sample of the many offerings at this intimate 200-person event.
What I loved most about Movement Play was the abundant flow of creative exchange. Almost every single attendee had something unique to offer as performers, artists, musicians or instructors. When you see so many dedicated folks donating much of their time and resources to creating this short-term utopia, it inspires you to make your own artistic contribution. Hence, I choose to do portraits of the unique folks I met during my weekend of play.