My Nephew
Meet Baby Alexander.
I’m a very proud first-time Auntie. This is incredibly exciting for me because I now have a baby to spoil and adore without the long-term child-rearing responsibilities.
This is Alex at five days old. I mistakenly thought that shooting newborns would be a piece of cake. They sleep. You snap pictures. Needless to say, it was unexpectedly harder than I imagined. Every time I pulled out the camera, Alex needed his poopy diaper changed, peed on my blanket, had to be breast-fed, or simply cried for the sake of crying. This exercise gave me a whole new level of respect for moms. It also made me realize that I will never be the next Anne Geddes and willingly devote my entire photographic career to newborns.
Seriously, my nephew is the cutest baby ever, right?